Property Search & Buying Advice When You Need It
If you would like help and guidance from an experienced professional buying agent about an aspect of searching for, choosing or buying a property in the country or the capital but you are not yet ready to use my search or acquisition services in their full capacity, or don’t think your need requires it, then my Desktop Advisory service may be the solution.
Based on providing constructive and impartial advice and guidance in a cost effective and easily accessible way my Desktop Advisory service is an entry level form of professional help with property search and acquisition related matters.
As the name would imply my Desktop Advisory service relates to matters I can assist with from my desk via telephone, email or other digital media. Should the help you require however go on to involve me needing to either leave my office or to source property in any way, then instruction as per the nature of the task involved would be the next step. (Please see my Services page for more details.)
So for any property search and acquisition related matter that you would like a bit of help with or want impartial and objective advice about, my Desktop Advisory service may be the answer. The professional help and guidance I can provide, even from my desk, can be effective and constructive.