Previously published in The Brokerage Magazine
There is no doubt that the internet has revolutionalised the way people search for property. Instant online access to the property market at any time of day or night and the pervading mantra that their “dream home” is but one click away has the buying public hooked. For estate agents the ability to market their properties to a vast online audience has catapulted their marketing reach from being primarily local and database driven to being global and almost limitless; so estate agents seem equally hooked too.
In theory digitising the way people find property would seem like a good way to bring seamless, cost saving efficiency to a notoriously imperfect market, whilst giving the house hunting consumer easy online access to all the information they could ever dream of needing, and more. During the pandemic digitisation has clearly been crucial in helping keep the property market show on the road but is there danger in online information overload? In practice are house hunting consumers truly able to effectively sort the wheat from the chaff in an online market place? Are buyers becoming overwhelmed with data in what might appear to be a world of choice, but in reality often isn’t?
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