What is there left to say about Brexit as the merry go round of uncertainty keeps turning? The debate, discussion and division seem never ending. The country yearns for an outcome, fatigue saps the soul of many and incredulity riles the remainder who still have the will to be paying attention.
Alas whether we like it or not there is still much to play out with Brexit over the coming weeks but I have concluded that dwelling on it will not make any difference to how it all pans out. I have decided that the better approach may be to take back control of my focus and concentrate on matters where I can make a difference…
I say this because despite the Brexit roller-coaster life does go on and many people still need and want to make property related decisions, commitments and moves.
Some buyers may indeed have chosen to head for the side lines and taken a cautious “let’s wait and see what happens” stance over recent months but I believe the current market is one of good opportunities if you want to get on and buy a property, whatever the Brexit outcome.
Based on the principle that you “need to be in it to win it” there is much to be gained by actively searching for your new home or investment now and in the months ahead despite the political uncertainty – you never know when the right property might surface. When else in life, apart from a polite queue of course, would you forgo an opportunity to get ahead of people who want the same thing as you? If the right property can be found in the current market then why not seize the chance to negotiate a good price and buy now whilst many of the buyers you would otherwise be competing against sit on the fence? If the right property seems elusive at first then rest assured you can still benefit from taking action now; you’ll gain search momentum, knowledge and confidence to act decisively and effectively as and when a suitable property is found.
The Brexit crisis will pass. Quite how and when is still a moot point, but one day an outcome will be reached, it must. I anticipate a frenetic period of property market activity will then follow as previously hesitant buyers and sellers jump in to action again, buoyed with a post Brexit sense of relief and fuelled with a desire to get back to some sort of a new normality. There will be many people keen to get on with making property related decisions that have been on hold for far too long and things might get lively.
Daunted? Don’t be. Too busy to search yourself? No problem. I can help get you ahead of the pack and increase your chances of finding the right property, for the best price, whatever the market conditions and political scenario in the months ahead.